What are Essential Oils?

Most people have at least heard of essential oils these days.

But what are essential oils, anyway?

Well let's take away the mystery.

For starters...

'Essential oils are the most important part of the plant.'

All plants -- whether they be shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, or even seeds -- contain 'aromatic essences.'

These essences in the plant function as blood does in your body... which means they are specially designed to support crucial life functions.

Essential oils are different than fatty oils.

Fatty oils are only needed until a new plant is able to produce its own food. But essential oils are "essential" to the ongoing life of the plant.

And here's where it gets really interesting...

Because of their unique properties, essential oils are not only vital to plant life... they also contribute to the well-being of humans.

This is why the use of essential oils has been viewed as a good health practice all through history.

And it's why essential oils are commonly used to promote well-being today.

Types of Essential Oils

Since plants vary in their makeup, not all essential oils are the same. They have different properties... so some oils are preferred over others when it comes to supporting different systems of the body.

Commercially available essential oils also differ because they are produced for different purposes. Some are for flavoring food, others for providing a fragrance... and then there are those that are therapeutic-grade.

The generally accepted categories for essential oils are as follows:

Grade A:

The highest grade and regarded as therapeutic, made from organically grown plants and distilled at low temperatures. The quality of oils in this class vary and depend on the standards of the producer.

Grade B:

Food grade, so considered edible... but may contain synthetics, pesticides, fertilizers, chemical extenders, or carrier oils... which are often toxic!

Grade C: 

Perfume oils, and very common. They often contain chemical solvents to gain higher yields of oil per harvest. These solvents can be toxic and are found in many store bought oils. These oils may also be heavily diluted with alcohol. 

Grade D:

For aromas only. Comes from floral water that is a byproduct of Grade A distillation. This leftover water is sold to companies that take a small amount and combine it with carriers... and then label it “pure.” 

Therapeutic-grade oils have the highest standards, and are the focus of this website.

This site has been specially prepared to help you discover how you can use therapeutic essential oils for the benefit of your household.

Now that we've answered the question, "What are essential oils?", you might enjoy learning how essential oils work

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